Friday, May 28, 2010


What does it mean to be responsible? Response-able. Able to respond. Are you able to respond maturely, effectively, and consciously in various situations? It is so easy to blame somebody else for our problems: the government, your boyfriend, your mother, your sister, the media, the infamous "they!" Next time, you begin to blame somebody else for your unhappiness, check yourself. Take a step back and think, "What can I do to improve this situation? How can I take responsibility for feeling sad, angry, unhappy, upset, etc?" We are always at choice for our feelings. When we feel sad, it is our choice to feel sad. When we feel happy, it is because we chose to be happy. They're just feelings! It is that simple! I promise, it really is! If we blame someone other than ourselves for our own problems, we never grow, we never mature, we never become strong, because it's always someone else's problem. It is time to take these issues into our own hands, solve the problem, learn from them, and move on. We are the creators of our lives. Let's create maturely, effectively, consciously, and by choice. It is so important for a healthy life. Start practicing today!!!!

Love you all from Cancun, Mexico.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Cancun, Mexico

I arrived in Cancun, Mexico 6 days ago, to begin a life here. I am now looking for a job, for a new apartment, and finding my way as I begin to settle down a bit. For 10 months I have been on the road, from city to city, hostel to hostel, constantly meeting new friends and always starting something new, something fresh everyday. Now is a time for reflection, for settling a bit, for starting a new beginning. One year ago, I would never guess I would be living in Cancun. One year ago, I had no idea I would be so incredibly lucky, meeting the most amazing people, beginning a new relationship with a wonderful man, becoming independent. One year ago, If I had to guess what I would be doing now, I would probably say. "sitting in an office making a steady paycheck." But I decided to take the Road Less Traveled. I decided to rely on the universe for my nurturing, for my care. Do I regret one thing? Not at all. The growth I have endured in the last 10 months has been unprecedented. I know more about myself now than I have ever known my entire life. I know what I want in my life.

Cancun is a big city, not at all in the same likability category of many cities in Mexico, but it is international, and it allows me to make money, save a little, and live in a cheap apartment close to the wild yet delicate Caribbean sea.

We never know what is next in life. We cannot make plans for 10 years from today. Life has different plans. God has different plans. It is important to respect those plans. Instead of getting upset when things don't go as planned, let's embrace the flow of life and remember all is well. God does not make mistakes. All paths are unique. All paths are different. I respect you and I respect your unique path.

Love and light always,


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Women. Las Mujeres. Femmes. Frauen. Mulheres. 妇女. Donne.여자들. Wanawake. زنان. Women of the world!

Someone told me that in a relationship, women are the spine, holding the base of the relationship and being the strongest, central core. Women of the world, it is time to realize our power. I am not speaking from a feminist perspective, but rather a motherly perspective, a natural perspective. Both men and women are manifestations of the divine mother, but I feel it is time for women to once again remember, to realize their inner strength, to forgive the oppression of our societies that have put us underneath politics, that have belittled us into unheard corners.

We all know it. Deep down. We all have mothers. And when we are hurt, sad, upset, angry, who do we call? Mothers are emotional, caring, and when something needs to be done, mothers make sure to get it done. Women make sure to take care of those around us. We are the mothers of this earth. We have a natural ability, the natural instinct to nurture. We are creators of life. We carry life with us for 9 beautiful months that develop us into strong, capable rocks, able to endure any weather, any hardship.

I am confident in saying that I am proud to be a woman, and I am proud to be the spine of all my relationships. I am proud to be strong, and make decisions on my own, without feeling bad or without feeling regret. I am proud to be capable of anything I want, to manifest and create my life however I want it. Feel the strength within. All you beautiful women out there, this strength is intrinsically a part of you. Embrace it, make your decisions, empower yourself, lead with your heart, and remember the mother within. It is time to take care of our culture, of our people, of the earth. Mother Earth.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What attitude do you choose?

When we're young, our mentors, teachers, and parents always tell us to have a good attitude. But what does that really mean? We are always at choice in our lives. We choose how we feel about certain situations. When we get laid off, or fired from a job, are we upset? Do we blame the world? The society? Our managers? Or do we see one door close, and ten more open? Next time something "bad" happens to you, why not say to yourself, "Congratulations! I just got fired! Now I have the opportunity to make a positive change in my life!"

I try to keep a positive attitude. These so-called "bad" things that happen are blessings in disguise. You won't believe what happened to me today. A few days ago, I returned from my amazing life in Mexico to San Francisco to get ready to leave to Alaska, where I was planning on spending the summer, working and playing. It sounded like a good idea until I fell in love with Mexico, found myself a potential job for the summer, learned more spanish, and formed incredible friendships. But I was convinced to keep my job in Alaska, although it just didn't seem right. Small things were happening around me, telling me not to go. For instance, my iPod got stolen a few days before. I couldn't find the right clothing. I was not looking forward to the cold May weather in Alaska. My stuff wouldn't fit in my new luggage. I couldn't sleep well. And on the way to the airport this morning, we hit traffic that isn't normal for a Wednesday morning at 6AM. Finally, upon arrival to the check-in stand at Alaska Airlines, the official said he couldn't find me in the system. So I walked inside to talk to another agent, only to realize I went to the wrong airport! I was supposed to be in Oakland, not San Francisco! I was in shock. I couldn't believe it. My sister had already left the airport, and I was stuck. They were going to allow me to try to fly standby with fee waiver so I didn't have to pay the extra $100 charge for changing my flight, but I told them right then and there, FORGET IT! All these signs showed me, something is just not right. I took BART home and am now looking for flights back to Cancun, the place I never wanted to leave in the first place. My mom even told me that she didn't feel right about me going to Alaska, saying she was having images of me in bad situations in Alaska. It just wasn't meant to be...

I could be distraught. I could feel like stressed, or worried, but I'm not! I am relieved that I get to return to Cancun to keep allowing the flow in my life that I have been appreciating and embracing.

So let's try it. Next time we feel like victims of the world, let's change our attitude and see the light in every situation. The light is always there, waiting for you to see it!

Thanks for reading my stories! I love to share my life with all of you and am glad you are open and willing to listen. Sending you my love and light, always.