Friday, July 30, 2010


Each and every one of us has a unique role in this world, a very specific design in this template, is a piece of the magical, mystical puzzle that the Creator has entrusted in us. As humans, we have enlightenment in our grasp, if we are awake enough to realize it and aware of the paradise available on this earth. We are light; light is all that really exists in this world. In the darkness, we are able to see with the glimmer of a spark, the flick of a match, the smallest speck of crystal reflections from far, far away. With this light, how can one deny that we are reflections of each other. With this light that exists in the world, the only true essence of our being, we must surrender to the reflection of ourselves in each other. The baker, the mechanic, the corporate businessman, the homeless person, the housewife, the laborer, the housecleaner, the gardener, the waitress, the telemarketer, the comedian, the actor, the entrepreneur, the stranger sitting across from you, your mother, your father, your siblings, aunts, uncles, your friends, your acquaintances, your enemies, those you loath, those you can't stand, those who annoy, those who joke, the "good-doers" and the "bad-doers," those who irritate, those who shine, those who don't speak, those who speak too much. Each person, every personality, every unique light comes from one Creator, from one love, from one source. It's time to listen to each other. It's time to open our hearts, expand that heart chakra, and allow others inside, and allow ourselves to be filled with pure, infinite love. It's time to truly forgive the past, the judgments, anything holding us back from the gift of love, from this pure drinking fountain of showering, blissful, glimmering love and open up to receiving paradise. Paradise in our grasp. We are already living in it. All we have to do is accept it.

I truly love you. Infinitely. Purely. No language or word can describe. Embrace this love. I am sending it to you. I am pouring love from my heart. It's never-ending. It's flowing. It's constant. Like a river flow, like a stream, like the ocean, like water. May you be aware of this beautiful light, of this pure essence. May you awaken to this light and shine it on to others.

We are all reflections of each other. I see me in you. I see you in me. I see the source in you.

Here is Love in 28 different languages:

Arabic: حُب
Chinese: 喜爱
Czech: láska
Danish: kærlighed
Dutch: liefde
Estonian: armastus
Finnish: rakkaus
French: amour
German: die Liebe
Greek: αγάπη
Hungarian: szeretet
Icelandic: ást
Indonesian: sayang
Italian: amore
Japanese: 愛
Korean: 애정
Latvian: mīlestība
Lithuanian: meilė
Norwegian: kjærlighet
Polish: zamiłowanie
Portuguese: amor
Romanian: dragoste
Russian: любовь
Slovak: láska
Slovenian: ljubezen
Spanish: amor
Swedish: kärlek
Turkish: aşk

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Life's Work

My life's work is to heal. I am a healer, a nurturer, a blessing, a gem from God to each and every one of you. I am a shining light for you to remember to live life fully. I am here to inspire and to invoke the beauty inside of you. And you, you are a reflection of me, and I am a reflection of you. We are all reflections of each other, in this big diamond world: with applied pressure, we shine on more brightly. Each and every one of us has a unique gift to offer the world. This learning laboratory called life, this game we all play, is meant for us to heal, to learn, to experiment, to have fun. This is paradise. We live in paradise. We have the ability to love each other. Love, infinite, blissful, creative, pure, love. It is all that truly exists in the world. We are here to experiment this beautiful feeling, this never ending cosmic creation, this simple and glowing radiation, this tingly energy floating and buzzing all over, this flowing force that cannot be destroyed.

I love you. I love you so much. My heart is open for you. Please, if you ever need anything, remember my love for you. Let us be the bright and shining angels that the Creator allows us to be. I am begging you to accept my love!!!! =) I love my life's work.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maui Mornings

Mother Earth provides plenty. There is no reason in the world that one person should go hungry. With globalization in full effect as it is today, with food being grown in one country, packaged in another, and then bought and consumed in an entirely different region, each and every person could be well fed, without thirst, vibrant, and healthy. In the mornings in Maui, I shared one papaya and one banana with my friend, David, and our breakfast was simply and plentifully provided. If every household grew two fruit trees in each community on earth, each person in that community could share with one another and never go hungry again. If each household planted two types of vegetables, the community would thrive. And if each household recycled and reused all the organic rubbish from those veggies and fruits, they could produce compost to keep planting more and more. We live in a cyclic earth. Everything can be used over and over again. There is no need for plastics anymore. Buy yourself a stainless steel water jug, bring your own bags to the grocery store, store your leftovers in glass containers. Mother Earth can only take so much in the manmade landfills of the earth. Our garbage doesn't just disappear! We are wasting too much and we have the power to stop it. Make the choice today. What do you want for your children and your children's children?

Loving you, loving Mother Earth, and always thinking consciously,


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Opportunity is everywhere. Are we aware of each window opening? Do we see the light shining through the darkness? When we do see the light, do we plunge forward and take the chance? Do we miss out because we're afraid, or blind, or occupied with something else? Do you know what makes you at peace? If there is an opportunity shining for you that will make you at peace, jump on it. Take it, and know that the universe is there to support you. Don't get caught up in the emotions involved, or the fear of risk taking. Just do it. Don't think about it, act on it. You'll learn valuable lessons no matter what happens. And that is why we are here on this earth anyway! To learn. This life is a big learning laboratory. We are here to make mistakes! So don't miss out on the opportunities awaiting you because you feel stuck in your current job, your current relationship, your current living situation. Something better awaits, or maybe something awaits that will simply kick you in the butt in order for you to move on. You never know. Move forward, and move forward with confidence, and conviction. Free yourself from the fear. You are always supported by God, Good, The Great Spirit, The Great Being, The Big Kahuna, Love, or however you define it. Put faith in the universe.

"Only ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Step at a Time

Often times, I move from place to place very quickly. (India to Mexico to Hawaii to California, not to mention the various cities in each country). When I land in one destination, it's as if I am starting over, from scratch, rebuilding my life the way I want it, with new ideas, different perspectives, new friends, and new activities. Landing in a new location yields the opportunity to feel distressed, worried about making new friends, finding new hot spots, being the "new girl" in town. However, landing in a new location also allows me the opportunity to start fresh, to feel rejuvenated, to choose again. In life, we are always at choice. Each morning we wake up, we can choose how we want to see the world, how we want to act, who we want to mingle with, what music we want to listen to, what perspective we decide to hold.

My travels from place to place allow me to choose again constantly. Landing from place to place is simply a metaphor for each morning we arise here on earth. Every day is a brand new day, with new sunshine, new blossoms of flowers, new babies being born, new ideas, fresh, overflowing, abundant life! Landing from place to place teaches me that instead of obsessive over planning, trying to make things work in the way I want them to, I choose to allow the divine plan to work through me, taking each step at a time slowly, patiently, and with trust that the universe is here to help guide me and support me in my new destination. Every day we wake up, we are a new and vibrant being, ready to choose again. Taking one step at a time helps to reduce anxiety, stress, worry and fear for the future. There is no need to feel these things! Trust that God (or Good, the Holy Spirit, the Great Being) will take care of you, and choose again!

I am always at choice. You are always at choice. We can always choose again.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Maui, the Goddess Island

Maui has revealed the Goddess within. She is a powerful, beautiful island, continuously nurturing her habitants and guests with healthy food, love, and respect. There is a feminine energy only some have the ability to fully tap into, if you remain present and aware of yourself and your surroundings. In the morning, roosters crow and birds chirp, the breeze blows through Haleakala, and the flowers blossom to the rising sun as the earth spins and meets the ball of fire over the Pacific. The blue waters caress the sandy beaches, sometimes with a force not to be messed with, sometimes with the touch of a mother to her newborn child. Maui is an international place, housing habitants from across the world who are mesmerized with her beauty and warmth. The Goddess is revealed from within.

Are you in touch with your inner Goddess? Women out there, do you take responsibility for your relationships, for yourself, for your own life in a nurturing and respectful way. It is time that women of the world began to respect themselves and allow themselves the power of the divine mother once again. We are the leaders of the future. This world is in need of strong women now, more than ever, to take charge and portray the strength and character of warriors, of caregivers, of healers. We are the healers of the past many years of oppression in the world. We hold the future in our hands, and it is up to us to teach ourselves, embrace the inner Goddess that is all intrinsically part of us, so that we can teach others, and show each other, by example and with love, patience, and very gentle yet bold care, that the united women of the world are ready to rule, ready to heal the earth during these exciting times. What an exciting time to be alive, all you women out there! Know your strength, and shine! Take charge of your life, of your relationships, and blossom. It is time.

Loving you always, from the core center of my heart and the depths of my beautiful soul,


"The re-emergence of women will bring about the healing of the world." -- Marianne Williamson

"WE ARE the keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom. WE ARE to help all things and ourselves once again realize that all things are related upon earth and within the universe. We are the ones we have been waiting for." --Hopi Prayer