Welcome to my unique blog. Please enjoy and allow yourself the freedom to find what inspires you, what makes you wake up in the morning and get going. Is it fitness? Is it a cup of tea with a friend? Is it cuddling? Everyone is so different, and I celebrate your uniqueness. This blog has no rules or guidelines, no boundaries, it's just a celebration of the inspired life I live, how I do it, and hopefully it will inspire you to be happy and think positively about life everyday.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Just a quick reminder...
Let's stop taking everything so seriously!!!!!!
Smile, laugh, and see the light in everything! Let's try it!!
Loving you!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Relationships are healing lessons. Every relationship we have with someone is a reflection of ourselves in order to heal. Whenever we are angry or upset with another person, we must look within ourselves to find what it is internally that is revealing itself in order to heal. Usually, we are only angry, frustrated, upset, impatient, or whatever the case may be with others when we are feeling the same way with ourselves.
I've recently entered into a new relationship with an amazing partner. It's been exactly one moon cycle and we have spent almost everyday together, intensity and clarity being two major themes. In the beginning of this relationship, I shied away from being my whole self because I didn't want to overstep any boundaries, make my partner upset, or get into any fights. I compromised myself in order to see things run smoothly, or however I felt was smooth at the time. I didn't fully act myself and was cautious with every word I spoke, every sentence I formed, every thought I concluded. Things ran very smoothly, until I asked spirit for a cleanse, a purification. Be careful what you ask for. My request to spirit resulted in receiving lice and having a very strange inflammatory skin problem unmask itself on my face. These past few days have been spent with hot oil treatments, ridding my old habits of toxic facial cleansers, and ultimately forcing myself to look within to see what's been bottling up inside of me and reaching the surface in strange forms. All the while, my new partner and I have been dealing with patience, and seeing each other at our worst. Interestingly enough, what came up for me emotionally was that I had been compromising my true self and biting my tongue for a whole month that ended up resulting in purging of angry words and feeling overwhelmed, crying and upset. Simultaneously, my physical body was dealing with the same purging of huge red bumps all over my face and neck. Lesson learned: always be yourself, no matter who you're with, where you are, or what you are doing. Do not compromise your true self for anyone or anything. My partner loves me no matter what, in the highest and purest form of love possible, there is no need to compromise what I may believe to be wrong in his eyes. I only need to be the angel that god created me to be. Everything else will follow.
What an exciting time! Although my face is full of strange red bumps, and my scalp recovering from blood sucking bugs housing themselves among my hair follicles, I have been able to learn patience, and care, and see that my partner is here to help me learn about me, to reflect to me what I need to learn in my life now, in the present moment. And for this, I am so grateful.
What is your partner/friend/family member/co-worker revealing about you? Appreciate your relationships for being reflections of you. If it's not working out, take a minute to ponder on the idea that it may just be YOU creating problems, not your partner. It may hurt a bit, but in the end, we are all healing and learning and doing this together, in a quantum sense that the divine allows.
Feeling the flow of life on earth, in paradise, with clarity from spirit and revealing my gift to you,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August 4th, my day of re-birth
We are all one, unified people. We are all connected. Brothers and sisters, please recognize the unity. It is time.
After 24 years of a very fulfilled life, packed with fear, happiness, doubt, joy, love, hate, ego, spirit, heart, confusion, misguidance, fully on purpose, getting off track, getting right back on again, feeling completely frustrated with the world, depressed beyond belief, ecstatic and joyous beyond belief, drugged out, completely sober, laying on train tracks in Portland Oregon, getting crowned Homecoming Princess in High School, drinking 40's on the streets of San Francisco, getting lost in Seminary of downtown Oakland, wandering the streets of Venezuela at night, crossing Colombian borders with illegal US dollars, dancing at clubs underage, playing drums at Hippy Hill, smoking hash in the Himalayan mountains, skateboarding to the local drug store, getting caught stealing underwear from American Eagle stores, experiencing death of my father at the age of 13, watching my family struggle financially, watching my family gain success financially, eating Burger King everyday, eating organic Kale salads everyday, overdosing on processed sugared foods, falling in lust, falling in love, screaming until the tops of my lungs burst, blaming other people for my own problems, taking responsibility for my own problems, looking at the stars and feeling absolutely lost and misguided, looking at the stars and feeling curious, looking at the stars and knowing exactly who I am, smoking too much marijuana, not smoking enough, starting and quitting cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol until puking on the side of streets, having had 21 jobs (and maybe more), memorizing every Mac Dre song in the book, singing Pocahontas lyrics to my grandmother, fighting for social justice in Burma, speaking about Native American rights, giving up my body for the wrong reasons, and the right reasons, jumping in 4 different major oceans, drinking the purest of waters, dancing until in a trance, fearing to dance in front of others, crowd surfing with chains around my neck, bouncing to techno at 5 in the morning at warehouses in Oakland, making Varsity soccer as a freshman in high school, achieving straight A's my entire life, sticking up for as well as backing down for what I believe in, driving drunk, hating my sister, loving my sister, hating myself, loving myself, searching for myself, finding myself, leaving home with a backpack at the age of 22, and not returning until 24, realizing life is not a 9-5 job, making friends, losing friends, breaking hearts, giving too much, not giving enough, being pulled over by Colombian police, getting lost in Costa Rica alone and not knowing Spanish, putting faith into the universe, not having enough money to buy food, sleeping on the street, sleeping in palaces, eating way too much, not eating enough, reading the Quran, reading the Bible, studying yoga sutras, owning over 150 pairs of shoes, donating all those shoes a few years later, winning "best style" in school to not owning any colorful clothes, roadtripping to washington for no reason, hitch hiking across California, Mexico, and Central America, eating the strangest of foods, getting terribly, violently ill from eating those foods, being thankful for life, finding God, finding source, discovering my past lifes, swimming with dolphins, turtles, manta rays, getting stung by jellyfish, getting caught by cops for driving underage, stealing alcohol from the local stores, camping in 113 degree heat, hitting rock bottom and crying for weeks straight, not crying at all for months on end, climbing through golden pagodas of Burma, eating hot noodle soup in Taiwan, visiting the place of my fathers birth, learning about my German ancestry coming to America, hunting, fishing, learning how to play guitar, learning how to surf, modeling in magazines, getting in the car to drive nowhere, wearing $300 dresses, seeing the Dalai Lama speak in his hometown, becoming a manager of a store I knew nothing about, witnessing miracles happen before my eyes, everyday, every minute, every second, and much, much more........
I have one thing to say....After all my life experiences, after these eventful, action packed, fully lived 24 years of my life.....
We are all one. I am a bringer of light into this world, a gem from source, a beam of pure, soulful energy, love, and light, a childlike spirit with a fun, bright, willingness to learn and keep learning, on this mystical, magical, miraculous journey, and so are you. Thank you for being a reflection of me. On my day of re-birthing, I am so happy to share with you this joyous light, this godly light, this essence. We are all one people, one love, one light. No matter where I am in the world, and where you are, we are connected. No matter what phase I am in, and what phase you are in, we are connected. No matter what skill I am learning, or how much money I have, how much you have, what I own, what you own, we are all beings from the same earth mother, from the same creator, equal, and blessed to be sharing this beautiful experience. No matter what religion you and I practice, what cultures we come from, what foods we eat, we can share and learn and grow from one another.
I am so happy to be here on this earth. A light spreader. A vibrant, happy soul! And I am even more happy to be sharing it with you!!! I love you, from the bottom of my heart, the deepest core of my soul, I love you.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A gift for you on my day of birth
This birthday, I would like to do something a little different. Instead of receiving gifts from everyone, and expecting that I will be given material presents, I would like to expand my heart out and give gifts to you all. You, as my friend, as my lover, as my companion, as my soulmate, as my brother, as my sister, as my divine connection, are a reflection of who I am, and for that, I want to give you the gift of love and gratitude on my birthday. I would like you to have this present, as a thank you for being a part of my life, for helping me to grow, and for being there for me even though you may not have realized your presence has helped me in my life so much.
Our birth days are anniversaries to celebrate the time when our spirits entered into the world as a human form, to enjoy this paradise, to experience love. Our birth days have become reasons to go out and party, perhaps get drunk, to receive gifts from others, to eat high-sugared foods, to eat too much. So this year, I have decided to do something differently. I have decided to truly celebrate my day of birth, my anniversary of existence in paradise, my true reason to celebrate, and in doing so, I am giving gifts to all my loved ones as a gratitude for all they have given me. This includes you. My heart reaches out to you and my love pours out and rushes towards you, fulfilling you with warmth, liveliness, and positivity.
My birth day plan:
Practice yoga in the morning.
Sweat to some Zumba.
Cook a simple, raw, vegan meal with my family.
Enjoy the sunshine.
Give out gifts to all my loved ones.
Thank you so much for reading! Thank you for being a part of my life.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Each and every one of us has a unique role in this world, a very specific design in this template, is a piece of the magical, mystical puzzle that the Creator has entrusted in us. As humans, we have enlightenment in our grasp, if we are awake enough to realize it and aware of the paradise available on this earth. We are light; light is all that really exists in this world. In the darkness, we are able to see with the glimmer of a spark, the flick of a match, the smallest speck of crystal reflections from far, far away. With this light, how can one deny that we are reflections of each other. With this light that exists in the world, the only true essence of our being, we must surrender to the reflection of ourselves in each other. The baker, the mechanic, the corporate businessman, the homeless person, the housewife, the laborer, the housecleaner, the gardener, the waitress, the telemarketer, the comedian, the actor, the entrepreneur, the stranger sitting across from you, your mother, your father, your siblings, aunts, uncles, your friends, your acquaintances, your enemies, those you loath, those you can't stand, those who annoy, those who joke, the "good-doers" and the "bad-doers," those who irritate, those who shine, those who don't speak, those who speak too much. Each person, every personality, every unique light comes from one Creator, from one love, from one source. It's time to listen to each other. It's time to open our hearts, expand that heart chakra, and allow others inside, and allow ourselves to be filled with pure, infinite love. It's time to truly forgive the past, the judgments, anything holding us back from the gift of love, from this pure drinking fountain of showering, blissful, glimmering love and open up to receiving paradise. Paradise in our grasp. We are already living in it. All we have to do is accept it.
I truly love you. Infinitely. Purely. No language or word can describe. Embrace this love. I am sending it to you. I am pouring love from my heart. It's never-ending. It's flowing. It's constant. Like a river flow, like a stream, like the ocean, like water. May you be aware of this beautiful light, of this pure essence. May you awaken to this light and shine it on to others.
We are all reflections of each other. I see me in you. I see you in me. I see the source in you.
Here is Love in 28 different languages:
Arabic: حُب
Chinese: 喜爱
Czech: láska
Danish: kærlighed
Dutch: liefde
Estonian: armastus
Finnish: rakkaus
French: amour
German: die Liebe
Greek: αγάπη
Hungarian: szeretet
Icelandic: ást
Indonesian: sayang
Italian: amore
Japanese: 愛
Korean: 애정
Latvian: mīlestība
Lithuanian: meilė
Norwegian: kjærlighet
Polish: zamiłowanie
Portuguese: amor
Romanian: dragoste
Russian: любовь
Slovak: láska
Slovenian: ljubezen
Spanish: amor
Swedish: kärlek
Turkish: aşk
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Life's Work
My life's work is to heal. I am a healer, a nurturer, a blessing, a gem from God to each and every one of you. I am a shining light for you to remember to live life fully. I am here to inspire and to invoke the beauty inside of you. And you, you are a reflection of me, and I am a reflection of you. We are all reflections of each other, in this big diamond world: with applied pressure, we shine on more brightly. Each and every one of us has a unique gift to offer the world. This learning laboratory called life, this game we all play, is meant for us to heal, to learn, to experiment, to have fun. This is paradise. We live in paradise. We have the ability to love each other. Love, infinite, blissful, creative, pure, love. It is all that truly exists in the world. We are here to experiment this beautiful feeling, this never ending cosmic creation, this simple and glowing radiation, this tingly energy floating and buzzing all over, this flowing force that cannot be destroyed.
I love you. I love you so much. My heart is open for you. Please, if you ever need anything, remember my love for you. Let us be the bright and shining angels that the Creator allows us to be. I am begging you to accept my love!!!! =) I love my life's work.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Maui Mornings
Mother Earth provides plenty. There is no reason in the world that one person should go hungry. With globalization in full effect as it is today, with food being grown in one country, packaged in another, and then bought and consumed in an entirely different region, each and every person could be well fed, without thirst, vibrant, and healthy. In the mornings in Maui, I shared one papaya and one banana with my friend, David, and our breakfast was simply and plentifully provided. If every household grew two fruit trees in each community on earth, each person in that community could share with one another and never go hungry again. If each household planted two types of vegetables, the community would thrive. And if each household recycled and reused all the organic rubbish from those veggies and fruits, they could produce compost to keep planting more and more. We live in a cyclic earth. Everything can be used over and over again. There is no need for plastics anymore. Buy yourself a stainless steel water jug, bring your own bags to the grocery store, store your leftovers in glass containers. Mother Earth can only take so much in the manmade landfills of the earth. Our garbage doesn't just disappear! We are wasting too much and we have the power to stop it. Make the choice today. What do you want for your children and your children's children?
Loving you, loving Mother Earth, and always thinking consciously,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Opportunity is everywhere. Are we aware of each window opening? Do we see the light shining through the darkness? When we do see the light, do we plunge forward and take the chance? Do we miss out because we're afraid, or blind, or occupied with something else? Do you know what makes you at peace? If there is an opportunity shining for you that will make you at peace, jump on it. Take it, and know that the universe is there to support you. Don't get caught up in the emotions involved, or the fear of risk taking. Just do it. Don't think about it, act on it. You'll learn valuable lessons no matter what happens. And that is why we are here on this earth anyway! To learn. This life is a big learning laboratory. We are here to make mistakes! So don't miss out on the opportunities awaiting you because you feel stuck in your current job, your current relationship, your current living situation. Something better awaits, or maybe something awaits that will simply kick you in the butt in order for you to move on. You never know. Move forward, and move forward with confidence, and conviction. Free yourself from the fear. You are always supported by God, Good, The Great Spirit, The Great Being, The Big Kahuna, Love, or however you define it. Put faith in the universe.
"Only ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
One Step at a Time
Often times, I move from place to place very quickly. (India to Mexico to Hawaii to California, not to mention the various cities in each country). When I land in one destination, it's as if I am starting over, from scratch, rebuilding my life the way I want it, with new ideas, different perspectives, new friends, and new activities. Landing in a new location yields the opportunity to feel distressed, worried about making new friends, finding new hot spots, being the "new girl" in town. However, landing in a new location also allows me the opportunity to start fresh, to feel rejuvenated, to choose again. In life, we are always at choice. Each morning we wake up, we can choose how we want to see the world, how we want to act, who we want to mingle with, what music we want to listen to, what perspective we decide to hold.
My travels from place to place allow me to choose again constantly. Landing from place to place is simply a metaphor for each morning we arise here on earth. Every day is a brand new day, with new sunshine, new blossoms of flowers, new babies being born, new ideas, fresh, overflowing, abundant life! Landing from place to place teaches me that instead of obsessive over planning, trying to make things work in the way I want them to, I choose to allow the divine plan to work through me, taking each step at a time slowly, patiently, and with trust that the universe is here to help guide me and support me in my new destination. Every day we wake up, we are a new and vibrant being, ready to choose again. Taking one step at a time helps to reduce anxiety, stress, worry and fear for the future. There is no need to feel these things! Trust that God (or Good, the Holy Spirit, the Great Being) will take care of you, and choose again!
I am always at choice. You are always at choice. We can always choose again.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Maui, the Goddess Island
Maui has revealed the Goddess within. She is a powerful, beautiful island, continuously nurturing her habitants and guests with healthy food, love, and respect. There is a feminine energy only some have the ability to fully tap into, if you remain present and aware of yourself and your surroundings. In the morning, roosters crow and birds chirp, the breeze blows through Haleakala, and the flowers blossom to the rising sun as the earth spins and meets the ball of fire over the Pacific. The blue waters caress the sandy beaches, sometimes with a force not to be messed with, sometimes with the touch of a mother to her newborn child. Maui is an international place, housing habitants from across the world who are mesmerized with her beauty and warmth. The Goddess is revealed from within.
Are you in touch with your inner Goddess? Women out there, do you take responsibility for your relationships, for yourself, for your own life in a nurturing and respectful way. It is time that women of the world began to respect themselves and allow themselves the power of the divine mother once again. We are the leaders of the future. This world is in need of strong women now, more than ever, to take charge and portray the strength and character of warriors, of caregivers, of healers. We are the healers of the past many years of oppression in the world. We hold the future in our hands, and it is up to us to teach ourselves, embrace the inner Goddess that is all intrinsically part of us, so that we can teach others, and show each other, by example and with love, patience, and very gentle yet bold care, that the united women of the world are ready to rule, ready to heal the earth during these exciting times. What an exciting time to be alive, all you women out there! Know your strength, and shine! Take charge of your life, of your relationships, and blossom. It is time.
Loving you always, from the core center of my heart and the depths of my beautiful soul,
"The re-emergence of women will bring about the healing of the world." -- Marianne Williamson
"WE ARE the keepers of the earth and its sacred wisdom. WE ARE to help all things and ourselves once again realize that all things are related upon earth and within the universe. We are the ones we have been waiting for." --Hopi Prayer
Saturday, June 19, 2010
When I first arrived in Hilo, Hawai'i in 2006, I didn't know what to expect. I knew I wasn't doing anything over my summer break from college that year and I had about $600 in my bank account. Not much, but enough to get me a room and a flight to Hawai'i. The trip was a disaster. I fell in love with the island, and it's natural beauty, and I needed to come for a reason (which I've discovered now was for me to return in the long run), but I didn't end up getting along with the people I stayed with very well. However, the day I left Hilo to California on July 4th, 2006, I was given a gift that I blessed in the Pacific waters: a shell necklace that I haven't taken off since. I knew that I would one day return to complete something in Hawai'i. I knew something was calling me to these islands. I knew there was something bigger, something stronger, something with more force that was calling me.
I just arrived in Kailua-Kona, on the other side of the big island of Hawai'i, on June 15th, 2010. This time, with a little more money and a little bit more knowledge about what I want to do here. This island is incredible: waterfalls, jungle, desert, black sand, white sand, and lava rock beaches, tidepools, canyons, valleys, rain, snow, heat, volcanos, lava, steam vents, hot springs, waves, and much, much more. In fact, this island alone houses 11 of the 13 main climates of the world. The energy is divine. Mother Earth is very busy here, always active underground with flowing lava and there is an energy here that never ends. I feel more alive on this island than anywhere else in the world I have ever been. You never know what you will find, and what the divine Mother Earth will bring you from day to day.
I've found a home here. I will be here for a while. I have a lot of work to complete on this island. So far, the islands have accepted me well. I've attended a yoga class up in the mountains of Holualoa, overlooking the Pacific, found a job within the first two days, found a hostel to live in, met wonderful people, helped out a local who locked his keys in his car, developed new ideas about how to make and save money, swam amongst turtles and beautiful fish, discovered white sand beaches on the Kohala Coast, and learned that I absolutely cannot live without crusted coconut Mahi Mahi. I have much to learn, and this time around, I am courageous, bold, and confident in my actions, thoughts and behaviors. I can't wait to report what's next here. I can feel a transformation coming. Something that will really help me grow, help me to become a stronger woman. I learn from this island, from this great teacher.
Sometimes, you land somewhere in life, and you just never know what's next, but you discover that what God had planned for you was greater and bigger than you could ever imagine. If you fill yourself up with ideas and images of paradise, you may never find it because your expectations won't be met, but if you discover paradise in each thing, in each place, in each person, in each part of life, you will be more fulfilled than ever before. An overwhelming exctasy will follow you around.
Discover the beauty. Discover the divinity in all beings, in all of aspects of life; even if you think something is bad, it's probably a blessing in disguise.
Love you all from the big island of Hawai'i,
Aloha! -Jen
Sunday, June 13, 2010
We are love
I experienced something today so unbelievably amazing, yet so simple!
On the way home from my cousins Graduation party, I had a vent session. I have been in the states for less than one week having traveled in Mexico for about 3 months prior, and I have had yet another difficult adjustment phase into American culture. It's difficult to spend 3 months among a different culture, learn a new language, see the world in a different perspective, watch children in the streets with little money begging for a few pesos to help them with their next meal, and then come back into American culture where the majority of people are blinded by materialism and ego-centric attitudes, always searching for the next best thing to fulfill their emptiness inside. (Yes, this may be a bit of a harsh comment, but this is what I see, and this is how I am feeling, and it's all the truth from my perspective. I am a victim of materialism as well, we all are!) After venting for 10-15 minutes on my mother, sister, and Brian, my sister's boyfriend, I freed myself from what was inside of me. I allowed all these negative feelings pour out of me and I complained and explained and proclaimed about America, money, greed, capitalism, the global marketplace, third world labor, cultural and social inequalities, and I just simply LET IT ALL OUT! After a year of traveling, I have quite a bit going on in this little head of mine.
Then, we sat in silence for a few minutes, and I shut my eyes, and breathed. I listened to myself. I inhaled positivity. I inhaled light. I exhaled negativity. I exhaled darkness. I opened my eyes to the golden hills of California, and I emptied every fear, worry, and complaint from my system. I completely lost myself in a trance. And I realized this one thing that I always knew in my head but never really experienced:
Love is the only thing in the world that truly exists! Love is all that is left when we, as human beings, let all worries, attachments, troubles, petty problems, complaints, issues, drama, and all the noises inside of our brain GO!!! Love! SImply love! Love in the form of wind. Love in the form of air, of space, of energy. It's everywhere. In nature, inside us, in every manmade piece of work ever created. Love. Our pure, natural state of being is love.
So let's celebrate this! Let's celebrate our pure, natural state of being. We are only human after all, right? Let's enjoy this human life and embrace all the love in this world. Love is more abundant and powerful than greed. Love is a stronger force than hatred. Love conquers all.
I see the light in you. I see the love in you. Let us all shine with love and be the angels that God has created us to be.
From Concord, CA, I love all of you!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
What does it mean to be responsible? Response-able. Able to respond. Are you able to respond maturely, effectively, and consciously in various situations? It is so easy to blame somebody else for our problems: the government, your boyfriend, your mother, your sister, the media, the infamous "they!" Next time, you begin to blame somebody else for your unhappiness, check yourself. Take a step back and think, "What can I do to improve this situation? How can I take responsibility for feeling sad, angry, unhappy, upset, etc?" We are always at choice for our feelings. When we feel sad, it is our choice to feel sad. When we feel happy, it is because we chose to be happy. They're just feelings! It is that simple! I promise, it really is! If we blame someone other than ourselves for our own problems, we never grow, we never mature, we never become strong, because it's always someone else's problem. It is time to take these issues into our own hands, solve the problem, learn from them, and move on. We are the creators of our lives. Let's create maturely, effectively, consciously, and by choice. It is so important for a healthy life. Start practicing today!!!!
Love you all from Cancun, Mexico.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cancun, Mexico
I arrived in Cancun, Mexico 6 days ago, to begin a life here. I am now looking for a job, for a new apartment, and finding my way as I begin to settle down a bit. For 10 months I have been on the road, from city to city, hostel to hostel, constantly meeting new friends and always starting something new, something fresh everyday. Now is a time for reflection, for settling a bit, for starting a new beginning. One year ago, I would never guess I would be living in Cancun. One year ago, I had no idea I would be so incredibly lucky, meeting the most amazing people, beginning a new relationship with a wonderful man, becoming independent. One year ago, If I had to guess what I would be doing now, I would probably say. "sitting in an office making a steady paycheck." But I decided to take the Road Less Traveled. I decided to rely on the universe for my nurturing, for my care. Do I regret one thing? Not at all. The growth I have endured in the last 10 months has been unprecedented. I know more about myself now than I have ever known my entire life. I know what I want in my life.
Cancun is a big city, not at all in the same likability category of many cities in Mexico, but it is international, and it allows me to make money, save a little, and live in a cheap apartment close to the wild yet delicate Caribbean sea.
We never know what is next in life. We cannot make plans for 10 years from today. Life has different plans. God has different plans. It is important to respect those plans. Instead of getting upset when things don't go as planned, let's embrace the flow of life and remember all is well. God does not make mistakes. All paths are unique. All paths are different. I respect you and I respect your unique path.
Love and light always,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Women. Las Mujeres. Femmes. Frauen. Mulheres. 妇女. Donne.여자들. Wanawake. زنان. Women of the world!
Someone told me that in a relationship, women are the spine, holding the base of the relationship and being the strongest, central core. Women of the world, it is time to realize our power. I am not speaking from a feminist perspective, but rather a motherly perspective, a natural perspective. Both men and women are manifestations of the divine mother, but I feel it is time for women to once again remember, to realize their inner strength, to forgive the oppression of our societies that have put us underneath politics, that have belittled us into unheard corners.
We all know it. Deep down. We all have mothers. And when we are hurt, sad, upset, angry, who do we call? Mothers are emotional, caring, and when something needs to be done, mothers make sure to get it done. Women make sure to take care of those around us. We are the mothers of this earth. We have a natural ability, the natural instinct to nurture. We are creators of life. We carry life with us for 9 beautiful months that develop us into strong, capable rocks, able to endure any weather, any hardship.
I am confident in saying that I am proud to be a woman, and I am proud to be the spine of all my relationships. I am proud to be strong, and make decisions on my own, without feeling bad or without feeling regret. I am proud to be capable of anything I want, to manifest and create my life however I want it. Feel the strength within. All you beautiful women out there, this strength is intrinsically a part of you. Embrace it, make your decisions, empower yourself, lead with your heart, and remember the mother within. It is time to take care of our culture, of our people, of the earth. Mother Earth.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What attitude do you choose?
When we're young, our mentors, teachers, and parents always tell us to have a good attitude. But what does that really mean? We are always at choice in our lives. We choose how we feel about certain situations. When we get laid off, or fired from a job, are we upset? Do we blame the world? The society? Our managers? Or do we see one door close, and ten more open? Next time something "bad" happens to you, why not say to yourself, "Congratulations! I just got fired! Now I have the opportunity to make a positive change in my life!"
I try to keep a positive attitude. These so-called "bad" things that happen are blessings in disguise. You won't believe what happened to me today. A few days ago, I returned from my amazing life in Mexico to San Francisco to get ready to leave to Alaska, where I was planning on spending the summer, working and playing. It sounded like a good idea until I fell in love with Mexico, found myself a potential job for the summer, learned more spanish, and formed incredible friendships. But I was convinced to keep my job in Alaska, although it just didn't seem right. Small things were happening around me, telling me not to go. For instance, my iPod got stolen a few days before. I couldn't find the right clothing. I was not looking forward to the cold May weather in Alaska. My stuff wouldn't fit in my new luggage. I couldn't sleep well. And on the way to the airport this morning, we hit traffic that isn't normal for a Wednesday morning at 6AM. Finally, upon arrival to the check-in stand at Alaska Airlines, the official said he couldn't find me in the system. So I walked inside to talk to another agent, only to realize I went to the wrong airport! I was supposed to be in Oakland, not San Francisco! I was in shock. I couldn't believe it. My sister had already left the airport, and I was stuck. They were going to allow me to try to fly standby with fee waiver so I didn't have to pay the extra $100 charge for changing my flight, but I told them right then and there, FORGET IT! All these signs showed me, something is just not right. I took BART home and am now looking for flights back to Cancun, the place I never wanted to leave in the first place. My mom even told me that she didn't feel right about me going to Alaska, saying she was having images of me in bad situations in Alaska. It just wasn't meant to be...
I could be distraught. I could feel like stressed, or worried, but I'm not! I am relieved that I get to return to Cancun to keep allowing the flow in my life that I have been appreciating and embracing.
So let's try it. Next time we feel like victims of the world, let's change our attitude and see the light in every situation. The light is always there, waiting for you to see it!
Thanks for reading my stories! I love to share my life with all of you and am glad you are open and willing to listen. Sending you my love and light, always.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Time for some quiet. I have been running around so quickly! San Cristobal de Las Casas, a colonial city in the chilly mountains of Chiapas, Mexico, shelters some of the most interesting people in the world. A place of contradictions. A place of drugs, hippies, wanderers, tourists, travelers, rich locals, poor locals, and the Indigenous Maya, speaking their own language, living in the mountains, maintaining self sufficiency the best way they know how in the 21st century, and the beginning of the Zapatista Revolution, a fight for Indigenous rights all across Mexico that has spread into the United States. A place with its own energy, green, tree filled country side, farms with sheep and llamma, and a very cool, calming energy that is almost stagnant, yet creating a buzzing electricity among the people who visit here. By far, one of the most interesting places I have spent time in. By far, one of the most indigenous, and by far, one of the most creative. Beautiful San Cristobal, you make me believe in hope, you help me to see the world through a lens I have never experienced before, you have created a vision in my head that I will write a book, and speak of my travels, and what they mean, and fully inspire as my purpose here is to do so.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Remembering your true self
It is actually quite funny isn´t it? We focus on our worries and fears more than we focus on our true selves. When we let go of worries, fears, judgments, hatred, anger, and jealousy, all we have left is love, purity, light, creativity and freedom. When we allow ourselves to be completely whole as spiritual beings, all the ¨wrongs¨ in life just dissipate, and we realize how free we realy are, how light we are, how flexible we can be.
I practiced yoga today on a friends balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean from Puerto Escondido. I am happy to have created my life in the dreamiest, romantic, fantastic way. I am learning everyday to let go of attachments, let go of fears, let go of anger, jealousy, and judgments so I can be a whole being for myself, for you, and for the world, fulfilling my purpose in life- to inspire for the highest and best.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Distrito Federal, La Ciudad de Mexico
I am so blessed to be here. I met my amazing friend, Michael Rivera, in Nicaragua and now I am here, staying with his amazing family in Mexico City. Today, we ate a huge breakfast, went for a run in El Bosque, the park outside their house, ate a huge lunch with pescado, mole, arroz, pan, tortillas, caldo de camarones, and then we all got into the van (about 11 of us) and went to the ferria that only happens during two weeks of every year for Easter, a popular time for Mexicans to have vacations because of Easter and Spring Break. We ate ice cream and so much more Mexican goodness. I had such an amazing time trying all kinds of foods and dancing to Mariachi.
I am so blessed to be staying here with Michael´s family. I am so appreciative for what the universe is providing for me- amazing friends, an amazing new family to share a house, food, and a lot of love with here in Mexico City.
Surfing the wave and allowing love and light into my life always. THANKS YOU UNIVERSE!!!! =)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
San Miguel de Allende. Guanajuato, Mexico
I have been on the move for 5 days straight now. Guadalajara to Zacatecas to Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende, and today I leave for an eight day stay in La Ciudad de Mexico. I am overjoyed to be going there, the second largest city in the world with over 30 million people, home of Teotitihuacan, Las Pumas, and much more.
A few thoughts about my travels in Mexico thus far...
One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that you give yourself the opportunity to really live simply, off the land, what is available to you at that time. All we really need to survive is food and a place to sleep after all? And survival is life, life is survival. Why make things more complicated with attachments? Attachments to cars, homes, payments, attachments to boyfriends, girlfriends, friends and families, attachments to the emotions that bring us attention, that make us human, that allow us to confide in one another, attachments to over-eating, especially in the United States, as most of us never learned otherwise, attachments to the future, and to the past, forgetting our present moment and union with God (or light, goodness, the great spirit). All of these attachments hold us somewhere, keep us from achieving unity with God. Forgive those attachments, forgive yourself, and keep living. After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience; all we have is our lives!
What fulfills you? Why are you here on this earth? What makes you happy? Are you here to teach? To learn? To inspire? To love? To grow? To enjoy? To make a difference? To help the unfortunate? To be adventurous? Whatever it is, it is beautiful. Remember the light in yourself. Remember your necessities, and your true essence with the great spirit that divinely connects us all. We are living and playing this game on earth. Let´s have fun and be safe while doing it!
Loving you and always seeing the light in you,
Monday, March 29, 2010
What is your essence? We are spiritual beings living in this physical realm. All we have is our life. How do you spend it? I fill my life with patience, beauty, warmth, smiles, friendships, and happiness, always knowing my essence, my goodness, my true soul. We are all here for a purpose, and we are all equal in this game. We must appreciate our lives, and remember our essence to live life fully, to remember the truth, to remember what is natural. I see the light in you, always. Thank you for being a part of my life.
You are light. You are pure. You are beautiful.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
21st Century Nomad: Possible or Not? (A potential book intro!)
As I embarked on my trip to Costa Rica, I didn't know what to expect. The idea of a hostel was so foreign to me; a strange place with beds shared by thousands of travelers every year, a shared dirty kitchen, a language not my own, and people from all over the world. As we entered San Jose Costa Rica, the first person we met was Israeli, a man named Daniel. Because I was not aware of the large population of Israeli's that travel the world after they get out of the army, this was a very exciting arrangement! An Israeli? WOW! What a cool thing! I am really an ignorant American at this point...We shared a taxi to a hostel in the ghetto of Costa Rica but recommended by Lonely Planet. I thought I was so cool with my green youth Northface 55 Terra backpack. I felt so special wearing it because since I was a child, I used to respect anyone with a big backpack going somewhere. I don't know why. Perhaps it was because they were actually going somewhere, other than the known, into the huge deep world, with a backpack and nothing else. I envied them since I was a child traveling with my parents in the big, lonely airports.
I secretly didn't want to go to the hostel. I wanted to walk around with my cool backpack (although not strapped correctly and hurting my back) just to show off to people that I had a backpack; I was going somewhere. Yeah. To the hostel. To eat free pancakes and sleep in an overly used mattress with washed sheets that have been used hundreds of times by who knows who doing who knows what. But I put trust into the world, into the scene, into my new lifestyle, that I had no idea I was going to embrace. After a few days of rain in San Jose, I told Mike and Gary to pick a place, not tell me, and go. So the next morning, we got on a bus and were on our way! Destination: unknown. We ended up in Santa Theresa, on the southwest side of Costa Rica, after 3 bumpy, packed, dirty bus rides and a ferry trip over the peninsula. Santa Theresa: good waves, sunshine, yoga, parties, and hippies selling bracelets on the beach. And luckily for me, some cute Costa Rican locals. Party, party, party, drink, drink, drink, and sleep, sleep, sleep. No time to eat or care about anything else. Only time for beer, futbol (no I do not refer to it as soccer anymore), and some love to be shared. It was there where my eyes were really opened. Israeli's dominating the scene by far, Norwegians, Costa Ricans, Americans, Argentines, Brazilians, French, Spanish, Australians, and more. I was doing it! I was living my dream! I was meeting people from all over the world, sharing the universal language: futbol. Time to leave Santa Theresa, and north to Samara, Nosara, and then to cross the border into Nicaragua. Do you remember your first border crossing? What a pain in the ass! "I bring you here," "Don't take that taxi, take my bus" "Take my taxi!" "No his taxi is much more expensive!" "I need US$5 from you now to cross." And all I'm thinking is "WAIT JUST A FUCKING SECOND!" But in my broken spanish, I am absolutely not assertive enough. After a few hours of border hell, we finally settle on sharing a taxi to San Juan del Sur, one of the most beautiful places I have yet to encounter in my life, not because of the beach or the scenery (although it is fabulous), but because of the Nicaraguan hospitality, the futbol on the beaches at night, and the $1 ice cream right by Casa Oro, the hostel where I met lifelong friends and celebrate my 23rd birthday.
At this point in my travels, I am learning the hostel lifestyle, and opening up my eyes to the culture of travelers that exists in the world; the culture of travelers that move from place to place, the bracelet makers who travel Central and South America living in abandoned lofts and hammocks on the beach, the tourists who stay in hostels for a month or two at a time on their university break, the Peace Corps volunteers taking a weekend trip from their duties at their specific sites, the expats who have found what they are looking for in their lives in that specific place, those who had a "round-the-world" plane ticket and decided to further their stay by working in hostels, the writers who travel to learn of different cultures and express their interpretations through words, the fire dancers, the guitarists, the performers, the volunteers devoting their time to underprivileged people of "third-world" (i quote this because I do not necessarily agree with the term) countries, the students who are studying abroad for a semester, and many, many more. Who would have thought their was such a culture? I was stuck in Concord, CA dreaming of a different life than getting up and going to work everyday, going out on a Friday night to get wasted, and then enjoying a weekend with friends before the same cycle started over again. I knew there was something better: I had to find it. All we have in this life is life itself, we have to enjoy it. I was not enjoying the 9-5 world. I was stuck. I was bored. I didn't like the routine, the commute, the traffic, the idea of living life with two things that everyone's life focuses on: time and money.
Well guess what I learned on my travels thus far? Probably one of the most important concept of all! Time and money do not exist. Actually, they are human creations. Today, I went to pick up my mom from her job (she is a teacher and I am lucky to be able to share a car with her as I am visiting her and do not own a car but in California and in the suburbs of the Bay Area, you pretty much need a car) and walked into her second grade class where they were learning how to tell time and how to count money. I told her, "Mom I remember in second grade, the two things I hated doing the most was trying to count time and make sense of money." I never got it. I never understood the importance. There was just too many other things much more important! Playing tag, four square, and futbol during recess for instance. Then they wanted to sit me down in that stupid little chair when the bell rang to teach me how to count something by 10's that doesn't even exist in the natural world. Are you serious? I'm a nature girl, not an accountant. Don't train me to become one. I was more interested in learning how to play house, how to share, how to care, how to garden. And don't even start me with the concept of time. Let's just say, if we have to keep changing our clocks because of some weird phenomenon like daylight savings or daylight endings, why waste our time? It's life. The sun rises, stays in the sky, sets and then the moon rises, stays in the sky, sets, and then we're back to the beginning! Simplicity. Humanity fits in well with this. We hustle when the sun is out. We move from place to place. We garden, cultivate, plan, learn, think, grow, create and ultimately, be. We are human beings after all, not human doings. How simple it is when we look at it this way, huh? No money to chase, no time to run away from, just enjoyment of the sunshine, of the wind, of the rain, of the love that is ever present between each and every one of us. Oh how simple our lives could be only if we made them that way.
More to come....
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
As I was making a credit card payment online today, I noticed the advertisements on the Wells Fargo website to "reduce debt" in order to "set yourself free" from high payments and/or interest. There were pictures of people smiling with their arms open wide, accepting "freedom." What does it mean to set yourself free? Everyone has a different idea of freedom. For some, having meaningful, deep relationships is freedom. For some, it's owning a house where you can freely express your creativity through decorations, your family, cooking, etc. For some, it's not being in financial debt.
For me at this time, freedom is not being attached to worldly things. Freedom exists within myself, knowing that God is within me and that I am free to live the life I want. Freedom is able to express myself fully, speaking my truth all the time, and accepting that I am unique, different, and loved. We are all unique and play an equal role in this physical realm we call life; an equal role that is meant to be shared to help each other and learn from each other. Life is a big laboratory, an experiment, and we are all playing the game together, learning and sharing and teaching constantly.
I see God in you. I see Light in you. I see Good in you. I see Love in you. We are all as free as we want to be. I am so happy to feel free and blessed in this life.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Howard Thurman
A friend of mine shared this quote with me yesterday by Howard Thurman. I am very thankful to have heard it and hope it can inspire you as much as it has inspired me: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
What do you think? For me, I have been feeling trapped lately, and this quote is helping to set me free. This is a funny thought: I want exactly what I have in my life right now. You want what you have. If you wanted something else, you would have something else. So do it. Go get what you want. Get rid of what you don't want, and begin to realize that you attract in your life what you do want. Be strong, and go for it. Take the chance. Dare to be different. You will find yourself a stronger person afterwards, regardless of the results. You have my support, and know that love is always there to guide you.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Blessed is this life
I was blessed with this life. My parents both stepped outside of the box to be together; they both had to leave their family systems an defy societal opinion to be together. They didn't care. They just did it, because they loved each other, and they wanted kids. The tangible result: my sister and me. Born in California, raised across the U.S., and given a very worldly perspective, I am now a woman with my own viewpoints, capable of taking on anything that comes my way, with the courage, help, and optimistic view of life that my parents had. Blessed is this life. I have been provided for- from food, to a college education, to a home, and above all, to love. I have received so much love and light that I can now distribute to others. I was given the strength, courage and wisdom to be my own person, to do whatever I want in this world, with positive morals. I live in the Bay Area, one of the most thriving economies in the world, where my basic needs are easily met with hard work and devotion. I am always able to choose, and if I choose wrong, I can forgive myself, and choose again. I have so much opportunity to have an enjoyable life, to smile everyday, to be compassionate towards myself and others. Blessed is this life of opportunity. Blessed is this life of good choices. Blessed is the ability to forgive, and to choose more wisely and consciously next time.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ahhhhhhhhh *SIGH*
Trying, trying, trying. I've been trying so hard to make something work that is just NOT working. I didn't even realize it until a friend pointed it out to me. Sometimes, we need friends to give us a little help. I've been talking about accepting flow and allowing one thing to lead to another without forcing my life to happen, and it's about time I actually start practicing it. I even thought I was! Now, I see more clearly, and I am more happy, and feel more free than ever. I like freedom. It's really important to me. What a relief. Life is exactly where it is supposed to be.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Universe
"The moment you make a commitment, the universe aspires to assist you." -Goethe.
There is something to be said about this quote. Although sometimes life may seem hard, if we accept it willingly, and allow it to happen without becoming too involved, that "hardship" just sort of dissipates. Whether we make commitments to relieve ourselves of old habits, or to move forward in our careers, or change our thoughts, or exercise daily, observe yourself and the actions around you that help to allow things to fall into place. It is all a part of the earth's cycle, the universe's plan, the dual relationships in the world, and the perfection that exists inside and around us.
Recently, I have had a really rough readjustment phase back into California lifestyle after traveling for 5 months. My friends are different now, the clothes I wear are different, my hobbies have changed, my perspective on life is new, the way I view myself and my future have completed changed, and the way I treat myself and others is different. I've had a difficult time, questioning myself, my culture, my values, norms, beliefs, attitudes, and even the way I interact with my friends, family, and people I do not know. This difficult time is evolving into a beautiful formation of love for myself, for life, and my eagerness to be who I want to be without the pressures of society or the world on my shoulders. I had to go through that rough patch in order to get where I am. This is perfection. No matter where we are in our lives, we are perfect, and it will pass. The moment I made my commitment to get back on my feet, step by step, little by little, the universe is falling into place, exactly as it already was and always should be.
Allowing flow and love and light,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Prayers to Chile
Earthquakes, tsunamis, all kinds of natural disasters are occurring. My prayers to all those affected, including you and I as we are all universally related.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Letting Go
When I let go of everything holding me back, I realize that my only real fear is that I am powerful beyond measure, not that I am inadequate, as Marianne Williamson would say. Letting go of my judgments, and my fears, and my past, and my future. I am focused in on the present, and what makes me eternally happy at this given moment. Ahhhh *sigh* it feels great. Thank you to bodywork, and my amazing sister, and to God, for always being present in our lives, at every moment, patient with us and knowing the real truth: we are all free. I love you, whoever is reading this right now, I love you. =)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What is a career? A career, in many people's minds, is a passion, and something you choose around the age of 25, find a way to make money off of it, and then live it out until you retire 40 years later. If there is a person who is born into this world and knows exactly what they want to do, good for them! As for me, my career, at this moment in life, is to learn and live and do and enjoy every tiny segment and piece of life I can get my hands on. Money, well, there are plenty of ways to make money in this abundant country! They may not be glamorous, but what does glamour mean anyway? It only exists in our minds. So, I will move forward, with a passion for adventure, for fun, for laughter, for playing! And guess what? It's possible at any age!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Perfect. What does it mean? Sometimes, we may confuse it with getting whatever we want, but that wouldn't be the law of the world, would it? Accepting life as it is- that's perfection. Knowing the harder, emotional times will pass- that's perfection. No matter how life unfolds itself, it is always perfect. The present is perfect. It is a gift! A perfect gift =)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Washing away the judgements
Judgements are attachments. When we attach ourselves to the way we feel someone or something should be, we are only attaching ourselves to a past idea or notion of what we believe is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong. There just is. When you believe we know what is right for another person, check yourself. Respect all paths as all paths lead to God, the higher consciousness, the great spirit. I encourage interdependence as I believe there are naturally different types people in the world. I allow difference, I seek uniqueness, I believe in diversity. You were born on a very unique day, when the universe was in a special alignment, when the energy was at a certain shift, unlike any other human being in this world. Accept that creative flow, that distinctive characteristic, that unparalleled quality; it is all yours. Take it and go with it. Embrace the sole path that only you are on, that only you can fulfill. And respect other people as they are on their own journey as well. Breaking free from my attachment of you and judgements of the past and future, allowing room for the present. Celebrate yourself and celebrate others!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Being happy being yourself
Be happy being yourself. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks of you, or what they may expect of you. Follow your own journey. Stay true to your path. Live your truth. Life is a road; a journey. We listen and learn along the way. Don't be so hard on yourself. Breathe. Accept. Flow. We are always making mistakes. Mistakes are great- a great way to keep moving forward with what you know now. I see the beauty in you now, not 10 minutes ago, and not 10 minutes from now. I see you now, as you are, with beauty and light and presence.
Traveling is my education =)
More than often, people have been asking me lately, "What do you do when you travel?" Sometimes, I answer superficially, stating that I hike in the mountains, swim in the oceans, surf the waves, learn the native language, experience the cuisines, and meet people from different countries around the globe as well as the people of that culture. Sure, I do all these things. It's a typical day in the life of a traveler. But the main reason I travel is to educate myself. What better education than to immerse yourself into a different way of living, completely unbeknownst to you? The difference between a tourist and a traveler is the very essence of cultural immersion. Did you spend the night in a hotel? Or did you spend the night in a family's home with home-cooked meals? Did you rent a surfboard and take lessons from a paid instructor, or did you meet a local and have him/her teach you in the native language the significance of the wave? To enter into a different culture is to enter yourself. You are uncomfortable, scared, sad, excited, emotional, and open or close-minded. To enter into a different culture is to face yourself, to face your fears, to embrace those prejudices and judgements you had about those people and ultimately, realize one thing: humanity is egalitarian. A great friend just sent me a quote: "There is something so liberating about not attaching yourself through nationality and through geography, but attaching yourself through your humanity." -Eve Ensler. Because life is an educational experience, a filtration of what works and doesn't work for you, we become more open-minded or closed off to different things. My experience now is to be open towards humanity, to realize the oneness, the essence, the core, of all humanity. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Celebrate this human experience, and realize the essence of each other, find the good in each other. We are beautiful beings.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year!
It is 2010 in the Chinese New Year- The Year of the Tiger- ME! As I am so excited about this, I thought I'd write a little bit about the "Fire Tiger" born in 1986.
Eccentric and dramatic, Fire Tigers are aglow with passion and verve. They are outgoing, expressive and look on the bright side of things. They have the Tiger’s natural ability to lead others and are able to excite others simply with their own gift of enthusiasm. They can be funny and have great senses of humor. Tigers are powerful speakers and have the ability to command and persuade crowds through speech. Their own seemingly endless supply of energy can make them appear a bit dramatic, and it may make them more sensitive to cautious or down-to-earth approaches in others.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Education and The Significance of Life
The reason why I am writing this is because I've been noticing that a lot of people, including myself, think about education solely as a gateway for employment. Yes, employment can be and normally is a result of a four-year educational degree. However, I also see and believe that education can be found in every aspect of life. From the moment we are born into this world, we are learning, as bright-eyed babies to "terrible toddlers," we're always taking it all in. We are taught social patterns, customs, religious traditions, and cultural norms from the people around us, every day, every moment. We are constantly being educated. Everyone is a teacher, even you. What you do in your day-to-day activities not only teaches others but reinforces social standards and lifestyle. So guess what? When you are feeling stressed, other people may take on that same energy from you. When you are feeling happy, others will feel happy too.
In our education, let's all take the step to realize that even though we may graduate with a degree some day, which is an amazing achievement by the way, our education doesn't stop there! Life is all about learning. We make mistakes constantly, and learn from them, and move on. Don't let your education become a point where learning isn't permitted or valuable anymore. There is always something to learn in this journey called life.
So smile! When you do, others will learn from you and smile back. Think positively; you will create space for a positive environment around you. And once again, thank you for listening and allowing the space for me to share my own thoughts with you! We are learning in this life together, from one another, always! :-)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Change is the only constant.
My views on life, on the world, on people, on myself, change everyday. I am not who I was 5 years ago let alone 5 minutes ago and I am not who I will be 5 minutes from now. I think it is important to realize this because we are constantly judging other people, and ourselves, for our past and our future. I don't think life works like that. The only responsibility we have to ourselves and to the good of mankind is to live life to the fullest. LIVE. Yes, stay true to your morals. Meditate, if need be. Life is always going to bring good and bad. No matter what we do, suffering is always going to be there, as the Buddha states. But that doesn't mean we need to be resistant to that suffering, or that "bad" that is coming our way. Allow the flow, accept the path. We are a part of this earth. Our bodies are made from elements of this earth, and this earth only allows flow. Have you ever stopped to enjoy the wisdom and serenity of an old tree? Try it. There's one right outside your door. Just look at it for a little while. You may feel silly at first, but the more you allow it's wisdom to soak into you, the more connected you will feel to this world, to the natural world. That tree has probably been around for longer than you can count. It endures every season: the bitter cold Winter, the blossoming Spring, the arid Summer, and the letting go of Autumn. The tree, just like us, undergoes pain and pleasure, but does the tree ever complain? Resist? It just allows. Accepts. We can learn something from our natural friends. Sending you all love and light; thanks for listening :-)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Turning to the arts...
Today, I woke up in the morning and told myself, "I'm going to buy a ukulele and learn how to play it!" As I read the book titled, "Planet Walker," and became inspired by his learning to play the banjo along his pilgrimage during 22 years of walking and 17 years of silence, I decided, it's time for me to quit saying I want to do something, and just DO IT! So after my 2 hour hike with Pepper in the Berkeley hills, I stopped at the Treat Music Store and bought myself a Hawaiian Ukulele, of course, MADE IN CHINA. Taking my own advice that I've been giving for so many years and just DOING IT, I have come to one realization: I suck at playing the ukulele. BUT, I will get better. I will climb over mountains of hardship, hurdles of doubt, and clouds of fear, until I learn how to play at least 3 songs, with no mistakes, on the ukulele. After that, I'm hoping my fingers become callused enough and my wrists used to the uncomfortable position that the tiny little ukulele causes to continue on my journey of ukulele playing. Who knows? Maybe you'll see me one day as the next Israel Kamakawiwo'ole!!! Or maybe not...but I know one thing, I gave it a shot.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Well well well, my first blog of the 21st century. My first blog in the history of Jen's blogging! Where do I begin? I decided to create this blog as a way for you to follow me throughout my journey.
I guess you can say...I feel a bit different than most 23-year-olds at this very time in the Bay Area. Many of my friends are finishing school, having their first child, buying their first car, applying for corporate jobs, and integrating into the American lifestyle deemed ever so prosperous and noble! But me? I've spent the last 5 months of my life with nothing but a small backpack, sleeping bag, notebook, and a few bucks on the road, never really knowing where I will end up next. I suppose you can say, I put a little faith in faith, knowing the unknown is about to happen, and yes, of course, a little scared, but always reassured that life is meant to be lived!
So here we go! An adventure into Jennifer's life has begun! Welcome! And please, hop on board whenever you feel called to do so; I'd be more than happy to accommodate you, and so would our lovely Mother Earth.
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