Sunday, June 13, 2010

We are love

I experienced something today so unbelievably amazing, yet so simple!

On the way home from my cousins Graduation party, I had a vent session. I have been in the states for less than one week having traveled in Mexico for about 3 months prior, and I have had yet another difficult adjustment phase into American culture. It's difficult to spend 3 months among a different culture, learn a new language, see the world in a different perspective, watch children in the streets with little money begging for a few pesos to help them with their next meal, and then come back into American culture where the majority of people are blinded by materialism and ego-centric attitudes, always searching for the next best thing to fulfill their emptiness inside. (Yes, this may be a bit of a harsh comment, but this is what I see, and this is how I am feeling, and it's all the truth from my perspective. I am a victim of materialism as well, we all are!) After venting for 10-15 minutes on my mother, sister, and Brian, my sister's boyfriend, I freed myself from what was inside of me. I allowed all these negative feelings pour out of me and I complained and explained and proclaimed about America, money, greed, capitalism, the global marketplace, third world labor, cultural and social inequalities, and I just simply LET IT ALL OUT! After a year of traveling, I have quite a bit going on in this little head of mine.

Then, we sat in silence for a few minutes, and I shut my eyes, and breathed. I listened to myself. I inhaled positivity. I inhaled light. I exhaled negativity. I exhaled darkness. I opened my eyes to the golden hills of California, and I emptied every fear, worry, and complaint from my system. I completely lost myself in a trance. And I realized this one thing that I always knew in my head but never really experienced:

Love is the only thing in the world that truly exists! Love is all that is left when we, as human beings, let all worries, attachments, troubles, petty problems, complaints, issues, drama, and all the noises inside of our brain GO!!! Love! SImply love! Love in the form of wind. Love in the form of air, of space, of energy. It's everywhere. In nature, inside us, in every manmade piece of work ever created. Love. Our pure, natural state of being is love.

So let's celebrate this! Let's celebrate our pure, natural state of being. We are only human after all, right? Let's enjoy this human life and embrace all the love in this world. Love is more abundant and powerful than greed. Love is a stronger force than hatred. Love conquers all.

I see the light in you. I see the love in you. Let us all shine with love and be the angels that God has created us to be.

From Concord, CA, I love all of you!!!!


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