Friday, May 28, 2010


What does it mean to be responsible? Response-able. Able to respond. Are you able to respond maturely, effectively, and consciously in various situations? It is so easy to blame somebody else for our problems: the government, your boyfriend, your mother, your sister, the media, the infamous "they!" Next time, you begin to blame somebody else for your unhappiness, check yourself. Take a step back and think, "What can I do to improve this situation? How can I take responsibility for feeling sad, angry, unhappy, upset, etc?" We are always at choice for our feelings. When we feel sad, it is our choice to feel sad. When we feel happy, it is because we chose to be happy. They're just feelings! It is that simple! I promise, it really is! If we blame someone other than ourselves for our own problems, we never grow, we never mature, we never become strong, because it's always someone else's problem. It is time to take these issues into our own hands, solve the problem, learn from them, and move on. We are the creators of our lives. Let's create maturely, effectively, consciously, and by choice. It is so important for a healthy life. Start practicing today!!!!

Love you all from Cancun, Mexico.


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