Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maui Mornings

Mother Earth provides plenty. There is no reason in the world that one person should go hungry. With globalization in full effect as it is today, with food being grown in one country, packaged in another, and then bought and consumed in an entirely different region, each and every person could be well fed, without thirst, vibrant, and healthy. In the mornings in Maui, I shared one papaya and one banana with my friend, David, and our breakfast was simply and plentifully provided. If every household grew two fruit trees in each community on earth, each person in that community could share with one another and never go hungry again. If each household planted two types of vegetables, the community would thrive. And if each household recycled and reused all the organic rubbish from those veggies and fruits, they could produce compost to keep planting more and more. We live in a cyclic earth. Everything can be used over and over again. There is no need for plastics anymore. Buy yourself a stainless steel water jug, bring your own bags to the grocery store, store your leftovers in glass containers. Mother Earth can only take so much in the manmade landfills of the earth. Our garbage doesn't just disappear! We are wasting too much and we have the power to stop it. Make the choice today. What do you want for your children and your children's children?

Loving you, loving Mother Earth, and always thinking consciously,


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