Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Opportunity is everywhere. Are we aware of each window opening? Do we see the light shining through the darkness? When we do see the light, do we plunge forward and take the chance? Do we miss out because we're afraid, or blind, or occupied with something else? Do you know what makes you at peace? If there is an opportunity shining for you that will make you at peace, jump on it. Take it, and know that the universe is there to support you. Don't get caught up in the emotions involved, or the fear of risk taking. Just do it. Don't think about it, act on it. You'll learn valuable lessons no matter what happens. And that is why we are here on this earth anyway! To learn. This life is a big learning laboratory. We are here to make mistakes! So don't miss out on the opportunities awaiting you because you feel stuck in your current job, your current relationship, your current living situation. Something better awaits, or maybe something awaits that will simply kick you in the butt in order for you to move on. You never know. Move forward, and move forward with confidence, and conviction. Free yourself from the fear. You are always supported by God, Good, The Great Spirit, The Great Being, The Big Kahuna, Love, or however you define it. Put faith in the universe.

"Only ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley

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