Wednesday, March 31, 2010

San Miguel de Allende. Guanajuato, Mexico

I have been on the move for 5 days straight now. Guadalajara to Zacatecas to Guanajuato to San Miguel de Allende, and today I leave for an eight day stay in La Ciudad de Mexico. I am overjoyed to be going there, the second largest city in the world with over 30 million people, home of Teotitihuacan, Las Pumas, and much more.

A few thoughts about my travels in Mexico thus far...

One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that you give yourself the opportunity to really live simply, off the land, what is available to you at that time. All we really need to survive is food and a place to sleep after all? And survival is life, life is survival. Why make things more complicated with attachments? Attachments to cars, homes, payments, attachments to boyfriends, girlfriends, friends and families, attachments to the emotions that bring us attention, that make us human, that allow us to confide in one another, attachments to over-eating, especially in the United States, as most of us never learned otherwise, attachments to the future, and to the past, forgetting our present moment and union with God (or light, goodness, the great spirit). All of these attachments hold us somewhere, keep us from achieving unity with God. Forgive those attachments, forgive yourself, and keep living. After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience; all we have is our lives!

What fulfills you? Why are you here on this earth? What makes you happy? Are you here to teach? To learn? To inspire? To love? To grow? To enjoy? To make a difference? To help the unfortunate? To be adventurous? Whatever it is, it is beautiful. Remember the light in yourself. Remember your necessities, and your true essence with the great spirit that divinely connects us all. We are living and playing this game on earth. Let´s have fun and be safe while doing it!

Loving you and always seeing the light in you,


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